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Big Numbers library

V1.0 - 1/19/2021 by Chris

This is a library to handle large numbers, without losing percision. You can do math on 100-digit numbers!


Example Setup:

Drag the “_BigNumbers” script file onto your script, as a custom property. Then add a line like this to the top of your file:

local prop_BigNumbers = script:GetCustomProperty(“_BigNumbers”) bn = require(prop_BigNumbers)

And then you can use the big numbers functions in your script!

Check out the BigNumbersExamples file, for sample code showing off what you can do with big numbers.


BigNumbers_README the file you are currently reading. This file.

_BigNumbers The file containing all the actual logic for big numbers. You should never need to open it directly, but you will probably want to require() it into your scripts, to use big numbers!

BigNumbersExamples A bunch of examples for how big numbers work. Look here to see a runthrough of what kinds of things you

BigNumbersTests Unit tests! These are mostly for me to test that everything works the way it should. You can use it for example code if you want, but mostly it’s so that I can quickly verify
